دانلود مودل نسخه moodle 3.6.1
آذر 16, 1397
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دانلود مودل نسخه moodle 3.6.1
نصب Moodle بر روی سرور خود (با استفاده از یک وب سرور با پی اچ پی و یک پایگاه داده) با دانلود یکی از بسته های زیر
Version | Information | .tgz | .zip |
Moodle 3.6.1 | این آخرین به روز رسمی مودل 3.6 است.
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566 today
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1119 today
بسته زبان فارسی
فارسی | fa.zip | 916.6KB | 2018-10-05 13:31 UTC |
71 % (18920/26295) |
Server requirements
These are just the minimum supported versions. We recommend keeping all of your software and operating systems up-to-date.
- Moodle upgrade: Moodle 3.1 or later
- PHP version: minimum PHP 7.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.3. PHP 7.1.x and 7.2.x are supported too. PHP 7.3.x support is being implemented (@ MDL-63420) and not ready for production with this release.
- PHP extension intl is required since Moodle 3.4 (it was recommended in 2.0 onwards)
Database requirements
Moodle supports the following database servers. Again, version numbers are just the minimum supported version. We recommend running the latest stable version of any software.
Database | Minimum version | Recommended |
PostgreSQL | 9.4 | Latest |
MySQL | 5.6 | Latest |
MariaDB | 5.5.31 | Latest |
Microsoft SQL Server | 2008 | Latest |
Oracle Database | 11.2 | Latest |
Client requirements
Browser support
Moodle is compatible with any standards compliant web browser. We regularly test Moodle with the following browsers:
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Safari
- Edge
- Internet Explorer
- MobileSafari
- Google Chrome
For the best experience and optimum security, we recommend that you keep your browser up to date. https://whatbrowser.org
Note: Legacy browsers with known compatibility issues with Moodle 3.6:
- Internet Explorer 10 and below
- Safari 7 and below
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